Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE – amy jones – 2.5 / 10

This film fits the slasher movie blueprint to a 't,' almost as if it were constructed with that as the goal.  To wit: there’s some tragic event in the past that comes back to haunt a bunch of young women left all alone with no one in authority.  And then they’re hunted by a madman and picked off one by one.  Whatever merit there is in being able to paint within the lines, this film achieves it.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ROBIN HOOD – ridley scott – 6.0 / 10

The latest in Ridley Scott’s long list of staggeringly mediocre, perfectly acceptable but nonetheless occasionally visually striking films, Robin Hood is, as all Scott’s films are, overlong, tedious and curiously devoid of passion and emotion. This is, of course, completely unsurprising since Ridley Scott hasn’t made a genuinely good film since 1982’s Blade Runner. But he also hasn’t made an outright bad film since then either. He just makes absolutely pedestrian movies, of which Robin Hood is merely the latest.

Monday, May 17, 2010

IRON MAN 2 – jon favreau – 5.5 / 10

Do you love Robert Downey, Jr.? If you do, if you’d be content watching him read the proverbial phone book for two hours, then you might enjoy Iron Man 2. If, on the other hand, you merely like Downey (I can’t imagine anyone outright disliking the guy, he’s just too charismatic), Iron Man 2 is going to be something of a bore. Because make no mistake, this is the Robert Downey, Jr. show; and if you don’t find his portrayal of Tony Stark endlessly fascinating, you’re going to find an awful lot of this film to be incredibly tedious.